Innovative Concepts and Solutions provides an organization improvement company with solutions including but not limited to:



Innovative Concepts & Solutions Too Inc. provides meeting facilitation and team problem-solving workshops to organizations who seek skilled, objective facilitators to develop and run complex meeting agendas, and to develop highly functioning teams.

Pre-interview meeting participants to determine issues
Assist in clarifying meeting objectives and desired outcomes
Develop an agenda that supports the objectives
Keep the meeting on track
Process discussions or decisions when a group is unable to resolve differences
Ensure that ideas and suggestions are understood
Facilitate decision-making, document decisions, and assign timelines
Provide a written report (when requested)
Overall meeting planning and administration and follow-up feedback surveys


Consider an independent professional facilitator to conduct your meeting, objectively, time to dedicate to planning a meeting, and has the skills to ensure that the meeting stays focused and progresses productively and effectively.


Key Services: Team Problem Solving

(This service is provided to teams experiencing interpersonal or functional difficulties, and who are unable to resolve them on their own.)

Determine the client’s needs and objectives
Meet with the team to explain the problem-solving process
Schedule and interview all team members to determine issues and build rapport
Design, facilitate a productive/respectful workshop to discuss/work through issues
Help the team identify specific and clear action items
Assign people to action items with dates for implementation
Identify roadblocks to completion and how to overcome them
Provide a written action plan and report
Schedule follow up meeting to evaluate progress